If we want to store our valuables, we go to the bank, if we want to store code, we use Git. There are many places to store code like GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab. Today, I will show you some things you can do in GitHub.

Instead of keeping everything messed up, you can organize it. That’s why we use repositories. To create a new repository press New. Then type the name of your repository. The name should not have any spaces, the name should be all lowercase and the name should be hyphen separated. You can add a description but it is optional. You can choose if it should be public or private. Public means that everyone could see it and private means that only you can see it. Then you can add a README page. A README is a page that explains what your project is about.

If you want to change it from public to private then you can go to Settings > Options, then scroll down to Danger Zone and click Change Visibility.

If you want to give your repository to someone else, then go to Danger Zone and press Transfer.

If you want to change your repository access, then go to Danger Zone and press Archive.

If you want to delete your repository, then go to Danger Zone and press Delete Repository.

After you create the repository, go to Code > Copy (which is the green button that looks like a clipboard). Then go to Terminal and type “git clone”. After you did that, paste the url in the same line. Then in the next line type git config user.email”Type email here”. Then in the next line type git config user.name”Type name here”. And then type “git status”. Then type “code .”. This will take you to Visual Studio Code (if it is installed or you will have to install it). Then create a new file and make the changes that you want to make.

Now, press the button under the magnifying glass on the left. That is where you have to commit all your changes. After that, press the file you made changes on, and see if they seem right. Then press the + next to the file you made changes in. This will add the changes you made. Then press the box and explain what you changed or added. Then go to the Terminal and type “git push”. Then type your user name and your password. This will push the changes you made and make them visible to everyone that can see your repositories. Then repeat all the steps and then make more changes!